FAQ — Dodge Ram 1500


Do I Have to Drill Anything to Install an Extang Solid Fold 2.0 for a 2019 Dodge Ram 1500

Dodge Ram Owner: Quick question. I need to get a Tonneau cover for my truck. I just bought a truck, and the one from my old truck doesn't fit the new truck. And I need it because I'm going on vacation and I need to put all the luggage in the back and I have to have a cover. So I need it quickly.

Shawn: Okay. No problem

Dodge Ram Owner: How long does shipping take to get one of these covers?

Shawn: What kind of cover are you looking at?

Dodge Ram Owner: Well I like American Hard Tri-fold.

Shawn: Okay. Let's see here. American Hard Tri-fold. Are you referring to like the Tonneau Covers USA?

Dodge Ram Owner: No, I saw one online somewhere else. All it says is American Hard Tri-fold Tonneau Cover. The problem is when I called the other place they were telling me that I can't get this from them until the end of next week.

Shawn: What's the truck?

Dodge Ram Owner: It's a 2019 Dodge Ram 1500. It's a new model. The one with the 6 lug wheel, 5.7 bed.

Shawn: I don't think that's going to be something that I can get, unfortunately. We don't carry that.

Dodge Ram Owner: What else can you recommend?

Shawn: The only thing the closest I can get you for a hard tri-fold cover, and it's going to be night and day versus what you're looking at, but it's going to be way better quality, is the Extang Solid Fold. And that one goes for a few hundred bucks more.

Dodge Ram Owner: And how quickly can I get that one?

Shawn: Let me see.

Dodge Ram Owner: You're saying this a better cover?

Shawn: Yeah. The one you're looking at, I mean, I don't know, I might be biased. But I worked for the company that owns Extang for about 10 years. And yeah, they just make a great product. And the one you're looking at, I don't know who makes that. It looks just like Extang's soft folding cover, but they're saying it's a hard folding so I don't know. But based on your location it looks like it can ship tomorrow, and then arrive at you I'd say next day if not the following day.

Dodge Ram Owner: Is there a way to see how it clamps on underneath?

Shawn: Yeah. If you're on Extang's website, you can go to Solid Fold 2.0. Scroll down and you'll see installation, and there's a video right there. It's very simple though, man. You've got two clamps on the very front panel. And then you've got two in the rear by the tailgate. Essentially what you're going to do is the clamp is recessed into the cover. So you're going to grab it, pull it down, and then you're going to loosen it. It's got a little hook on there, so to speak. And it actually hooks on your rails.

Dodge Ram Owner: I mean, I don't have any rails or anything. So you're talking about the side of my bed?

Shawn: Correct.

Dodge Ram Owner: So I don't have to drill anything to install the cover?

Shawn: Nope. No, it's just got those little clamps. It's like a J is how I would describe them. You just loosen them up, and they clamp right onto the side. You don't even have to add an extra rail like if you were to buy a back flip or one of those that sit between the rails. They come with two separate rails that you have to clamp onto your bed rails. This doesn't do that.

Dodge Ram Owner: I see the other ones were actually like a vinyl. That American one. It's material, but it has a hard plate or something underneath it. So, it's actually, they call it a hard because it's got the hard bottom. But I don't want somebody to be able to cut into my back with a knife or something. Do you know what I mean?

Shawn: Yeah. No, you're not going to have that with this. You're going to have, it's an inch thick EnduraShield panel, which is their patented design there, that panel.

Dodge Ram Owner: The seams don't leak?

Shawn: No. From what I understand, this is the best folding cover for keeping water out of the bed since it sits on top of the rails, instead of between the rails like a lot of folding covers do. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're going to like this a lot more. Because I'll tell you, even though you spent an extra couple hundred bucks, you're buying American made. You're not buying Chinese like that other stuff.

Dodge Ram Owner: Oh really? Oh good. Well, that sold it right there. Go ahead. Let's just go ahead and do it.

Shawn: And I'll get it placed in my distributor right away too. Just to make sure it makes it on tomorrows truck.

How Can I Check the Availability of AMP Research Power Play or Power Step XL Options for My 2016 Dodge Ram 1500?

Dodge Ram Owner: Hey, so I've got a 2016 Dodge Ram 1500. Do you guys have any AMP Research Power Play or Power Step XL options available for that?

Tonneau Covered Agent: For a 2016 Ram 1500? We should. Is it a crew cab?

Dodge Ram Owner: Yes, sir. It's a crew cab

Tonneau Covered Agent: Yeah, so for a 2016 Ram crew cab, that should be part number 77138-01A

Dodge Ram Owner: Okay. Well, let me ask you this. Last time I checked it was out of stock. What are you guys looking on the timeframe there on that?

Tonneau Covered Agent: I don't know, because we have quite a few of them on back order right now, so I'm not 100% sure on lead time for that. I'm guessing probably in the next week or two they'll build some more.

Dodge Ram Owner: Alright. Thank you very much. I'm going to think about it. I'll give you a call back if I decide to put one on backorder.

Tonneau Covered Agent: Alright, no problem. Bye.

Where Can I Find the Cheapest Retrax Pro XR for a 2019 Dodge Ram 1500?

Dodge Ram Owner: Hey, I'm looking at the Retrax Pro XR for a 2019 Dodge Ram.

Peter: Okay. Have we sent you a quote yet?

Dodge Ram Owner: I haven't seen, let me look at my emails. Because, I actually did it over the weekend so I didn't expect to see anything yet. It doesn't look that way, so.

Peter: Okay, no problem. I can do the XR. So is it a Ram 1500?

Dodge Ram Owner: Yeah, it's a 1500 with the five seven bed.

Peter: Okay, no Ram boxes?

Dodge Ram Owner: No, no Ram boxes.

Peter: Okay. Give me just a second.

Dodge Ram Owner: Let me look, okay in that email and nope, I don't see it.

Peter: Okay. Hang on one second. Okay, I just emailed you the quote. Plus it's free shipping and there's no sales tax if you're ordering from outside of Arizona.

Dodge Ram Owner: That's for the Pro?

Peter: The Pro XR. Yeah.

Dodge Ram Owner: Pro XR, okay. Right now, they're kinda offering, I don't know if you even have it. I'm looking on just Retrax site. They're offering a free Yakima Jetstream Load Bars?

Peter: That's right. It's roughly a $550 value and we're an authorized dealer so that rebate is good through us as well.

Dodge Ram Owner: Oh wow! And the price you emailed me is what you're offering? That's actually very cheap!

Peter: Yes, we're known for our pricing for sure.

Dodge Ram Owner: Okay. It sounds stupid, but that sounds really cheap for a Retrax Pro XR Cover. That's brand new, right?

Peter: It's brand new, yep. No, we're known for out pricing. We're usually the lowest on this by a good $200 or so.

Dodge Ram Owner: Well, I'm glad I called because the other one I was looking at elsewhere was way more expensive. Wow, I just maybe just order that through you now.

Peter: I have it in stock so you can get it pretty quick.

Dodge Ram Owner: Okay. You know what? Let me go get my wallet so I have the credit card and I'll just order it now.

Peter: So, 2019 Ram 1500 short bed?

Dodge Ram Owner: Short-bed, yeah! It's a five seven.

Peter: Okay.

Dodge Ram Owner: I just went out and measured just for my mind, yeah so. Let me see if I've got that in my email. Yeah, I got an email back from you that said ask about the free gift. The tailgate seal?

Peter: Right. I'll throw that in too. Okay. So, allow about five to seven days for delivery on this. You're going to be getting an email confirmation.

Dodge Ram Owner: I just got something. Yeah, it was celebrate a birthday with us so, let me go back to my inbox and see if something else came up. Oh, you know what.

Peter: Okay, you're all set.

Dodge Ram Owner: I'm glad I got hold of you. I'm glad I found this deal on the internet because this is so cheap.

Peter: Definitely!

How Do I Place an Order For a Tonneau Cover For My 2019 Dodge Ram 1500?

Dodge Ram Owner: Yeah, how's it going? I actually submitted an online request to get a quote on a tonneau cover.

Shawn: Okay.

Dodge Ram Owner: You sent me a couple of emails today saying to call in and get the price and place an order.

Shawn: Okay. What type of tonneau cover is it?

Dodge Ram Owner: I'm looking at the Extang Trifecta 2.0 for a 2019 Dodge Ram 1500 with a five foot seven inch bed

Shawn: Okay. Do you have ram boxes?

Dodge Ram Owner: No. Is there shipping charge?

Shawn: No shipping and no tax outside of Arizona.

Dodge Ram Owner: Okay. You also sent me a email saying that if I called in and ordered I'd get the tailgate seal?

Shawn: Yeah, I'll add that on there if you want. Would you like to place an order now?

Dodge Ram Owner: Yes

Shawn: Okay. All right, we will get this going. They ship out of Michigan and the soft covers, right now, lead times about three to four days. Then you should see it about another three to four after that, okay?

Dodge Ram Owner: Okay, sounds good.