What Tonneau Cover is Going to Be The Most Water Resistant?

GMC Owner: Hey Shawn, I'm trying to reach Peter, I think. He's been giving me some emails about tonneau covers.

Shaun: Yes sir. Peter's actually out for the day though, what kind of tonneau cover was it?

GMC Owner: Well, I was needing to call and talk to somebody and start kind of figuring it out. It's kind of a new pickup truck and I want to get one for it.

Shaun: Beautiful. What kind of truck was it?

GMC Owner: 2019 GMC Sierra with a 5'8 bed.

Shaun: What are you looking for? You've got hard, soft, folding, rolling, one piece, three piece.

GMC Owner: It's my wife's truck. She likes the look of the hard folding or hard roll-up. She wants to be able to get in and out of it, so she wants the one that either folds, two or three times, four times. And she likes the look of the hard case, or the hard cover. She doesn't like the leather top of the soft one.

Shaun: Right.

GMC Owner: Waterproof, basically, because once we get this thing on it, it's going to be stuck in the back of that truck pretty much, there's going to be something back there all the time. So, you know, number one thing is waterproof, two is security, for me, then three is, you know, the appearance. So that's what I was going to start with whenever I got a hold of you know, someone to talk to. To see what's out there, see what y'all thought. What are some good options?

Shaun: Well let me tell you, the folding, hard folding that are going to sit flush to your bed, those have rails that mount on the inside, so chances of water getting in those are a little bit higher than if you were to buy one that mounts on top of the rails. That look isn't always desired, but honestly, they do look pretty sharp, usually. The Extangs as in the Solid Fold 2.0, or if you get the Encore, it's basically the same thing, are good. Except the Encore folds from the front or the back so that's a nice little feature there. The downfall to that is unlike a BAKFlip, or unlike a three-piece that's going to sit between your rails, you can't fold it all the way up to where it's against your window, and drive with it all the way open, and I don't know how often she would do that anyway.

GMC Owner: Okay. Are there any other covers that you would suggest?

Shaun: The other one that I would suggest is the Retrax One MX. And that is the roll-in cover. It's got a self-containing canister that sits at the front behind the bolt. It's about 14 inches wide by 14 inches deep by the top of your rails. So you're going to lose about a foot of med space with that. That one is going to be the easiest to use. The best looking one in my opinion is also going to provide the best watertight seal out of all of them, besides, you know, like I said the folding ones that sit on top of the rails usually do a pretty good job.

GMC Owner: Gotcha. Alright. I'm going to have to get with her and find out for sure just exactly if she's okay with that look. But one of them I got was with a 4 maybe? Or something like that?

Shaun: Yeah the MX4.

GMC Owner: Yeah that was one. I thought it looks pretty good, folds up three or four times.

Shaun: They are sharp, man. I worked for Undercover which to be honest with you, all the companies we're talking about are owned by the same people. But I worked for Undercover for almost a decade and then after they bought BAKFlip, I worked for BAKFlip for a few years. But when you said water, that's when my mind went to a folding cover. Let's say there's twenty parts where water could get in, versus a cover that's on top of the rails or that rolls where there's three spots. So that's my only reservation when it comes to that, but other than that I'd say buy that folding cover all day long; the BAKFlip, because it's a great cover.

GMC Owner: Gotcha. But in general the best water resistance is to have a cover sitting on top of the rails?

Shaun: Correct.

GMC Owner: Are there any covers- and those are hard covers, right? It won't be the leather soft, okay?

Shaun: No you won't have that. Because after a while man, when they wear out, they're a pain to buckle and all that.

GMC Owner: Okay. Well, let me get home and talk to her. Can you email me some quotes?

Shaun: Okay. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and outline it a little bit here, prices next to each of them and I'll also send a link so you can click it and go straight to both of them. Just give me a call back if you have any questions. 

How Do I Get The Best Price on a BAK Revolver X2 for a 2019 Chevy Colorado?

Chevy Owner: Yeah Sean, I'm looking for a Tonneau cover for my 2019 Chevy Colorado. You guys sent me a quote.

Sean: Okay. What kind of Tonneau Cover are you looking at?

Chevy Owner: I'm looking for the BAK Revolver X2

Sean: What size bed is it? Short bed or standard bed?

Chevy Owner: Yeah, it's a five foot two short one. Is the price you quoted with your Earth Day special?

Sean: Yes sir.

Chevy Owner: Is that the best price you can get me on that cover?

Sean: I'll tell you what, in the spirit of Earth Day, I'll give you another 10 bucks off.

Chevy Owner: Let's go with that. I'll go ahead and order it.

Sean: Okay.

Chevy Owner: Actually, before I say okay, how long is it going to take before I can get it?

Sean: They ship within two days, so you're looking at about two days to ship, and three days to make it to you. So, within five to seven days you should see your cover.

Chevy Owner: Perfect! Alright, let's get me set up with the Revolver X2

Sean: We will get this rocking and rolling. I'll place this directly with BakFlip.

Is The BAKFlip MX4 Waterproof When it's on The Truck?

Chevy Silverado Owner: I wanted to get a tonneau cover for my truck.

Peter: Okay. What truck is it for?

Chevy Silverado Owner: It's a 2005 Chevy Silverado, has the shorter bed. I think it's like a five foot eight bed, or five foot five.

Peter: Which cover were you talking about?

Chevy Silverado Owner: I've been looking online all over the place and I really like the BAKFlip MX4.

Peter: Yes, that's very popular. Let me double check they have it for your truck. Yes, and they do. It's free shipping and there's no sales tax if you're ordering from outside of Arizona.

Chevy Silverado Owner: Oh okay, cool. What's the availability on it, like if I want to go ahead and do it? When can I get it by?

Peter: Our shipping is typically about five days.

Chevy Silverado Owner: Five days? Okay. I've been looking around and that's probably the best price I've heard so far. Is there any sales or anything coming up on that or is that pretty much the best?

Peter: That is a sale price.

Chevy Silverado Owner: That is the sale price? When is the sale final?

Peter: I think the end of the day on Friday, this coming Friday.

Chevy Silverado Owner: The day on Friday? Okay. Let me run it by the misses first.

Peter: I got you. No problem.

Chevy Silverado Owner: We're going to go on vacation soon and I wanted to have something to cover the truck with. With this cover, I mean have you seen this cover? Have you used this cover before?

Peter: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Chevy Silverado Owner: Is the BAKFlip MX4 pretty much waterproof when it's on the truck?

Peter: It's designed to be extremely water resistant. It's got drain channels that lead to drain tubes that keep the water out of the bed. No Tonneau cover is 100% waterproof, per se. You might get a drip or two, but water won't be pooled in the bed or anything like that.

Chevy Silverado Owner: Right, that's kind of what I was looking to do. That and with this one, I've heard with some of these Tonneau covers you have to open them like to close the bed, like to close the tailgate? With this one, do you have to close, when I'm going to close the tailgate do I have to open the cover to close the tailgate?

Peter: You don't. You can slam the tailgate while the cover's down. It's designed that way.

Chevy Silverado Owner: That's what I was looking for too. Let me write that down. Thanks for your help, Peter. I appreciate it.

Does the BAKFlip MX4 Include Everything Needed to Install it on My 2019 Dodge Ram?

Dodge Ram Owner: I was calling about a price quote I received on a tonneau cover for my truck.

Peter: Okay what truck was it for?

Dodge Ram Owner: It's a 2019 Dodge Ram, 1500, crew cab, it's the new body style, without the Ram boxes. Five foot seven bed.

Peter: And which cover were you looking at?

Dodge Ram Owner: The BAKFlip MX4

Peter: Okay. Yes, that's the most popular.

Dodge Ram Owner: You have the best price on it. What do I need to do to order this?

Peter: I can take care of it with you right now if you'd like.

Dodge Ram Owner: Okie dokie, and you'll send an email confirmation?

Peter: Yes. Allow about five to seven days for delivery. You're going to get an email confirmation here in just a second.

Dodge Ram Owner: Will it give me the part number for the BAKFlip MX4?

Peter: Yes, in the email. It's a 448227.

Dodge Ram Owner: 448227, that's everything to install it and all that, right?

Peter: Yes.

Dodge Ram Owner: So it's ready to go, when it gets here I install it and I'm good to go? I don't need to make modifications or drill to install it?

Peter: Nope. It's a pretty straightforward installation.

Dodge Ram Owner: Okie dokie, well, if I have any questions I'll call you back your contact information's on the email.

Peter: Yeah, you're good to go.

Where Can I Get The Best Price on a BAKFlip MX4 for a 2016 Chevy Silverado?

Silverado Owner: I'd like to buy a tonneau cover for my truck.

Peter: Okay. I can get you going here. What truck is it for?

Silverado Owner: It's for a 2016 Chevy Silverado crew cab with the short bed, so like the 5-8 bed.

Peter: What cover were we talking about?

Silverado Owner: I want the BAKFlip MX4. You emailed me a price quote and I have to say that it's the best price I've ever seen on the MX4.

Peter: Got it. Yes, our prices are pretty competitive.

Silverado Owner: The MX4 is the one that's got a matte finish on it, right?

Peter: That's right. So '16 Silverado short bed. Got it. I'm just getting you set up for shipping now.

Silverado Owner: How long for shipping on that cover?

Peter: Allow 5-7 days for delivery. Other than that you're all set.

Silverado Owner: Awesome. Thank you, man. I appreciate it. Great price on that again.

Peter: No problem. Have a great day!

How Does The BAKFlip MX4 Compare To The Extang Encore?

Toyota Tundra Owner: You and I communicated by email regarding possible Tonneau cover for my 2019 Toyota Tundra.

Peter: Okay.

Toyota Tundra Owner: I've been going back and forth between the BAKflip MX4 and ... what's the other brand that has the cover that can flip from the front as well and has kind of a little lock there?

Peter: That's Extang. The Extang Encore.

Toyota Tundra Owner: Yeah ... Help me out, what are some of the differences, advantages of one or the other. Basically, how does the BAKFlip MX4 compare to the Extang Encore?

Peter: The MX4 can fold all the way up and secure behind the cab so you have full use of your bed when you need to. The Extang doesn't do that. The MX4 sits flush inside the bedrail, so it's super low profile.

Toyota Tundra Owner: Okay. And the Encore?

Peter: The Encore sits up on top, so it's a higher profile cover. Obviously the main difference that you just mentioned, that you can open it from right behind the cab. The MX4 can't do that. I mean, they're both really well reviewed. It just kind of depends on what you're using it for.

Toyota Tundra Owner: I had a BAKFlip before on my other truck. I had a G2, I guess it was, several years ago. I had an 02 Tundra and I think I got that probably 2008 or 9, something like that. Really loved it.

Peter: Yeah.

Toyota Tundra Owner: I understand that the MX4 is probably a little lighter perhaps. I think that the G2, it could get difficult, you know, sometimes trying to flip those things open. So, I'd be leaning toward the MX4 then. I know you emailed me a quote. Where are we at with the MX4 vs the Encore for pricing at this point?

Peter: So, you have a 2019 Tundra? What's the bed length?

Toyota Tundra Owner: Correct. 2019 Toyota Tundra and it's five and a half foot bed.

Peter: Do you have the Deck Rail System in the bed?

Toyota Tundra Owner: No, I don't have a Deck Rail System.

Peter: That quote I sent you for the MX4 is still valid. The Encore would only be $30 more than the MX4. It's free shipping on both and there's no sales tax if you're ordering from outside of Arizona.

Toyota Tundra Owner: Yeah, I think I want to go with the MX4.

Peter: Okay, I'll get you all set up for shipping, and then you're good to go!