FAQ — Chevy Colorado


How Can I Find Out If The Extang Solid Fold 2.0 is in Stock for My 2008 Chevy Colorado?

Chevy Colorado Owner: You gave me a quote on an S10 Tonneau cover; the solid two - what is it, the tri-fold?

Peter: Okay, the Extang Solid Fold 2.0? What truck is it for?

Chevy Colorado Owner: It's a 2008 Chevy Colorado LS with a 6.1 inch bed.

Peter: Okay. Yep, I've got it here. It's free shipping and there's no sales tax if you're ordering from outside of Arizona.

Chevy Colorado Owner: Do you have the Extand Solid Fold 2.0 in stock? Can we ship it out today?

Peter: I do. It's in stock but it'll ship within 48 hours.

Chevy Colorado Owner: All right. You can ship it as soon as you can. Are you sure it's the right size? Six foot bed in the solid S10 with the ... It's black with the tri-fold in solid?

Peter: Yes. That's correct.

Chevy Colorado Owner: Okay. Well we're talking about the same cover then.

Peter: I'm just grabbing the part number real quick. So I will get this shipped out. You're going to get an email confirmation here in just a second.

Chevy Colorado Owner: I want to thank you for the good price. I look forward to getting my new cover.

Peter: Yeah. You're welcome!

How Do I Get The Best Price on a BAK Revolver X2 for a 2019 Chevy Colorado?

Chevy Owner: Yeah Sean, I'm looking for a Tonneau cover for my 2019 Chevy Colorado. You guys sent me a quote.

Sean: Okay. What kind of Tonneau Cover are you looking at?

Chevy Owner: I'm looking for the BAK Revolver X2

Sean: What size bed is it? Short bed or standard bed?

Chevy Owner: Yeah, it's a five foot two short one. Is the price you quoted with your Earth Day special?

Sean: Yes sir.

Chevy Owner: Is that the best price you can get me on that cover?

Sean: I'll tell you what, in the spirit of Earth Day, I'll give you another 10 bucks off.

Chevy Owner: Let's go with that. I'll go ahead and order it.

Sean: Okay.

Chevy Owner: Actually, before I say okay, how long is it going to take before I can get it?

Sean: They ship within two days, so you're looking at about two days to ship, and three days to make it to you. So, within five to seven days you should see your cover.

Chevy Owner: Perfect! Alright, let's get me set up with the Revolver X2

Sean: We will get this rocking and rolling. I'll place this directly with BakFlip.