FAQ — truck bed mat


What Material is the Bedrug Made Out Of?

Ram Owner: I spoke with you earlier about the 2017 Ram 1500. You had mentioned you could get a mat from Bedrug. Which particular mat is it that you can get?

Peter: I carry their whole line.

Ram Owner: Oh, really? Okay. I'm looking at here, it's called a Bedrug or Bed Tread Impact Bed Mat.

Peter: Okay. Let's see. Did you just want the mat or do you want to cover the tailgate too?

Ram Owner: Yeah, well I guess this one comes with the tailgate also.

Peter: Actually, yeah. I think you're right. Yeah. Yes it does. Okay. Yeah, I've got that one.

Ram Owner: What is that material that the Bedrug is made out of?

Peter: It's like a anti-skid TPO composite. It's probably like a really kind of durable mix of rubber and plastic. But yeah, this is a newer product, but it's starting to really grow in popularity as it gets more reviews.

Ram Owner: Okay. And can you tell if that mat or the divider there for the tailgate, does that always stay in place?

Peter: It does.

Ram Owner: Okay. Okay. So I've got to check my bed length. I think it is a five seven but I want to make sure.

Peter: Okay. Sounds good. Feel free to give me a call back later on.