FAQ — 2019 Nissan Frontier


What's the difference between the MX4 and the F1 for a 2019 Nissan Frontier?

Nissan Owner: Hi, Peter. You gave me a quote a couple of days ago on a BAKflip F1 tonneau cover.

Peter: Okay. What truck was it for?

Nissan Owner: It was for a 2019 Nissan Frontier.

Peter: Okay. Yep, and it's free shipping, and there's no sales tax if you're ordering from outside of Arizona.

Nissan Owner: Yep. And that'll fit my six-foot bed, correct?

Peter: Yeah. What year was the Frontier?

Nissan Owner: 2019. Brand new.

Peter: Okay. Yep, I've got it here. Perfect fit.

Nissan Owner: Okay. Question for you. Now, I have a ... I got a guy that deals with covers locally and I went and talked to him and he's got an MX4.

Peter: Okay.

Nissan Owner: And he's pushing the G2 and the MX4.

Peter: Okay.

Nissan Owner: And I'm like, "What's the difference between the MX4 and the F1?" I mean, I want, like, one of the better covers. I don't want something that's going to fall apart in three or four years, you know?

Peter: So, the MX4 is a great cover, too. They're actually the same cover, except the F1 is made of the fiberglass reinforced polymer, which is their strongest material. So, it's going to hold up to denting things, stuff like that, better than the aluminum of the MX4.

Nissan Owner: Right, but is the polymer, is it just as strong as the aluminum and will it outlast everything?

Peter: It's stronger than the aluminum. Yeah.

Nissan Owner: Is it? Okay. Okay. Yeah, okay. I've seen some good reviews about you online. I'd like to order that F1 for myself, please.

Peter: Sure. Yeah. I'll get you going here. You'll get an email confirmation here in just a second, and then allow about five to seven days at the most for delivery on this.